Thursday, June 26, 2008

Look, Mom, No Clothes! I Exposed Myself in the Blogosphere.

Nick Cernis had a post yesterday that caused me to pause. It's a "read a book a week" challenge, not what one would consider a big deal. I love to read and enjoy a challenge. I've recently decided to do more reading for pleasure. Nick presented the perfect opportunity to start. So, why would I have to get all in my head before posting a comment?

Fear of exposure.

"Expose yourself", reason #4 on Nick's list of why we should accept the challenge, threw me for a loop. Choose two books to read and list them in the comments? I've got more books that I haven't read collecting more dust than I'd like to admit. Choosing books would not be a problem -- but telling people which books I'd chosen....

Expose yourself.

I had to think about that one. A lot of the books I like to read are...well, let's just say they're not literature. So, do I list two acceptable books (and read whatever I like on the side), or let other people know what I read? Expose possible derision, to appearing less than smart, to being more of a geek than some of the other self-proclaimed geeks who commented on that blog. I'd already told another blog audience (or two) that I'm into Trek and BSG. Do I want to say more? Should I really expose myself?

Truth and dare.

Historical romance, at least one other blogger has admitted to reading those.* Clancy? too much for my brain to handle right now -- I need to be able to put the book down so I can get some work done. MoL is only 25% complete according to the thermometer on Branden Sanderson's web site...not that I'll be able to put that down either...I hope.

I opt for splitting the difference: Life of Pi, because people with brains say it's worth the read, and Why Buffy Matters because I enjoyed the show and I'm geek enough to want to know (and besides, it was a Christmas present from my brother). I've got good historical fiction (it's an old Woodiwiss) that I haven't read in 12 years that'll be next on the list.

Seriously, geek and proud of it.

I keep saying that, but I have to remind myself. I'm not out to impress anybody. I just want to have a good time and possibly entertain someone else along the way. So I embrace my inner geek...and expose her to the world.

BTW, Nick responded to my comment. He said, "Life of Pi is a good read...."

*Ok, so I'm lame and lazy. I'm pretty sure I read that comment on historical romance on Men with Pens, but I've done a couple of searches on their site and can't find it. I'm just going to believe that I saw it there and link to them here.
Edited again - duh - try the post with "books" in the title if you're looking for novels.


Anonymous said...

You aren't lame. And I'm not a pansy for being a sucker for extremely well written historical romance chick lit. Diana Gabaldon is my all time favorite author and Sara Donati is a close second.

I am PROUD to MANLY say that the rest of my bookshelves are lined with John Grisham, David Eddings, Stephen King and various others.

Psst - search the site for Diana Gabaldon or look in the JCME section of our navigation for the post.

Hm. No subscribe to comments, so I won't know if you reply...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking up the challenge!

Absolutely no shame in being honest about your reading habits, however bizarre or scandalous, hence my admission at reading kids' books in the original post!

Chief Cook & Bottle Washer said...

@James - Thanks for stopping by! I would never consider you a pansy. It takes a real man to admit to reading "chick lit" (well-written or trashy). I don't know why, though. No one questions my femininity when I "admit to" reading Ludlum and Clancy. least not to my face.

Subscribe to comments

I've read your posts before and thought, "I'm messing up other places, but I've got that one covered." Until I read your comment and discovered that the "Email follow-up comments" function only appears under the Google/Blogger identity.

I went on a search for code, stuck it in my template - no joy. I'll have to dig some more another time. If you read this, thanks for the alert. I'm working on it.

Chief Cook & Bottle Washer said...

@Nick - Thank you for honoring me with your virtual presence! I've decided I don't like, "Thanks for stopping by" and I'm trying out other options. I'll keep working on it.

Thanks for issuing the challenge! Sometimes I need one -- even to do things I know I should be doing.

I'm usually honest about my authors with people who already know me and love me. I just worry about people who'll be forming a first impression. :^) I was reading in public while waiting for a friend last week. When she joined me she said, "I wouldn't be caught dead reading 'that', even if I hid the cover." Different strokes...

Steph said...

People have certain expectations of me as an editor, an honours Eng. grad, and a literary fiction buff. Read: they generally think of me as a literary snob, I think. HOWEVER, I secretly have a subscription to InStyle mag, I read, and I have been known to read Stephen King and chick-lit and even a couple books in the romance section of the library. Generally, I don't like SK or chick-lit (I'm a lover of Hemingway and Cormac McCarthy, for instance) or romance. But every now and then I shake it up and find I've picked a damn good book. By being open to things I wouldn't normally read, I've discovered my interest isn't as narrow as I thought. I harbour a love for Eddings (me too, James!) and other fantasy, for instance. It takes all my effort to admit some of my fiction choices, but I'd rather be scorned than seen as a snob! I still draw the line, but it's more out of lack of interest, I'd say.

PS. Nick: I LOVE kids' books! I have two full-size shelves packed to the max.

PS. James: Just as I feel about manly men wearing pink (somehow makes them more masculine or at least confident and attractive rather than pansy), I consider you a bigger man for admitting DG!

Chief Cook & Bottle Washer said...

I love kid's books, too. Of course, it was easier when the boy really liked to read. Now I get, "Mom, nobody reads anymore. Please stop being lame and giving me books all the time." :^) I bought the Harry Potter series for myself (he may read them someday).

Steph - I think fantasy is my genre of first choice. I just love interpreting the possibilities. Some of my favorite fantasy authors are: Robert Jordan, Andrew Greeley, Orson Scott Card, and Stephen R. Donaldson.

As far as literature -- Hemingway's way, way down my list. I started hating him when the first teacher started cramming him down my throat, and that gag reflex never went away....

Patricia Singleton said...

Most of my reading is nonfiction. About 2-3 times a year, I go on a reading spree with historical romance. Currently it is Nora Roberts which isn't historical but I like her style. It is pure escapism plus she writes series of books so I put off feeling the sadness of ending an affair with a character or story that I really like.

I have read all of the Harry Potter books and all of the Little House on the Prairie children's books and loved all of them. I watch kids' movies too and love them.

Being vulnerable can be a good thing. It builds character.

Chief Cook & Bottle Washer said...


I've got a lot of Nora Roberts on my shelves. I enjoyed Sandra Brown, too, but haven't read her in a lot of years.

I love series books, too. HP is the most recent I've read -- I care about Harry and friends, but Wheel of Time is where I'm most "involved". So many characters to care about, too much time... :^)

At least I know the last book in the series is on the way. The (or "A"MoL if you want to go that way) is at 26% now.... Go, Brandon! Go, Brandon!

Chief Cook & Bottle Washer said...

Oops! That wasn't supposed to be a solid line of url. It's two separate words, not a whole sentence...

By the time I get fluent in HTML, absolutely NO ONE will even remember what it is.... Oh, well. :^)